Join The World's Only Business Transformation Black Belt Certification Program.
With four comprehensive courses, the program provides a clear learning and development path for world-class executives, reflective managers, and consultants.
The 4 courses in this program normally cost $5,200 when purchased separately. Save over $3K with this Black Friday offer.
Black Belt Program Outline
The program consists of these four courses:
1. Business Transformation Management Methodology
2. Digital Enterprise Transformation
3. Change Management Deep Dive
4. Customer Centricity Management
About The Courses
COURSE 1: Business Transformation Management Methodology
Business Transformation Management is the holistic management of extensive, complex changes upon which an organisation's future success depends. The BTM Methodology is a robust and integrated approach, with an emphasis on the balance between the rational and emotional aspects of transformation.
The BTM Methodology was developed by the Business Transformation Academy, which was a global think-tank of 34 international thought leaders from companies such as Vodafone, SAP, Voestalpine, Sulzer, Daimler, Hilti, Volkswagen, Cisco and business schools like London Business School, Cranfield School of Management, University of Cambridge, IESE, Queensland University, University of St. Gallen, University of Liechtenstein.
You will learn how Meta Management provides the overarching frame for a business transformation. After completing this module you will know:
- How to create the link between the management disciplines.
- About the management structure, which will allow the transformation process to be effective.
- How guidelines, leadership, culture, values, and communication are key to success.
You will learn how Strategy Management primarily addresses the Envision phase of the transformation life-cycle. After completing this module you will know:
- How to develop a transformation strategy.
- How to approach the selection of appropriate team members.
- How to manage the collection of data, analysis of transformation needs and readiness.
- About designing a business vision and business model and the definition of an integrated transformation plan.
You will learn how Value Management defines the business benefits and changes needed to realise them. After completing this module you will know:
- How to evaluate the feasibility of making the changes successfully.
- How to produce an evidence-based, rigorous business case and supporting benefits realisation plan.
- How to engage stakeholders in the preparation of the business case.
- How to create the knowledge and commitment required to realise the benefits described in the business case.
You will learn how Risk management provides fundamental guidance to the planning, development and effective execution of a business transformation. After completing this module you will know:
- How to manage the risks that relate to the process of transformation.
- How to ensure your organisation achieves its desired future state.
- How to reduce the odds of the desired future state becoming obsolete or sub-optimal.
You will learn how Business Process Management defines the scope of process changes needed for the expected improvements in performance. After completing this module you will know:
- How to make the transformation effort a continuous success.
- How business processes need to be considered from a strategic perspective.
- How end-to-end business processes and the assignment of responsible process owners is a major task.
- How process management is not process modelling, but rather the relationship between IT, Business and People.
You will learn that IT Transformation Management evaluates the impact of current IT processes, competencies and systems on business transformation, and vice versa. After completing this module you will know:
- How to assess and enables solution readiness of the business,.
- How to define and assesses the gap between the as-is and to-be of IT.
- How to deploy IT operations and service, and implement IT governance.
- How to improve IT operations and services, and manage the IT lifecycle.
You will learn how Organisational Change Management (OCM) addresses the human element of business transformation. After completing this module you will know:
- How to deal with the people who have to change their ways of working.
- How to set up a foundation for OCM with respect to governance and assessing organisational change readiness.
- How to establish and implement stakeholder communication and performance management strategies.
- How to continuously make improvements through feedback.
You will learn how Competence and Training Management provides qualification and enablement with respect to the competences required for business transformation. After completing this module you will know:
- The strategic core competencies vital for the company's future success.
- How to identify and analyse training needs and objectives.
- How to develops training measures for gaps.
- How to foster the learning transfer and analyse the success of the measures.
How will learn how Programme management aims to support the implementation of the transformation strategy in order to achieve the benefits described in the business case. After completing this module you will know:
- How programme management focuses on high-level specification and the “why and what” of transformation.
- How to approach stakeholder management and benefit realisation.
- How to deal with dependency management, transition management, and change acceptance.
- How to consider integration with corporate strategies.
After completing this course you will know how to:
- Orchestrate business transformation in a way that meets the expectations of Executive Boards.
- Align the organization to a new strategy, new operating processes, and a new organizational culture.
- Create agility in order to adapt to market changes.
- Achieve the planned transformation outcomes.
- Manage interdependent risks.
- Manage complex change programs as a leadership role model.
- Avoid common pitfalls.
COURSE 2: Digital Enterprise Transformation
Never before has the traditional understanding of business models and business processes been so revolutionised. Technology is becoming a core competence of the best companies, but it can only develop its impact through interaction with business management. This course addresses that interface between technology and business management.
You will learn how to appreciate megatrends and enabling technologies. After completing this module you will know:
- How to explain digital transformation, Industry 4.0 and the journey of digital business to key stakeholders.
- The role of processing technologies, data storage technologies, mobile transmission rates, and costs associates to technologies.
- How digital enterprise transformation is based on enabling technologies.
You will learn how to leverage key digital technologies such big data, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, 3D printing, drones, the internet of things, and blockchain. After completing this module you will know:
- The eight essential technologies for Digital Transformation
- How to explain the benefits of the internet of things, virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence.
- Understand the fundamentals of robotics, drones and 3D printing.
You will learn how to capitalise on key digital trends such as mobilisation, sharing, individualisation, intermediation, and democratisation. After completing this module you will know:
- How to explain the most important digital trends.
- How those digital trends are related to key technologies.
- How digital trends impact enterprises.
You will learn how to better appreciate digital disruption in various industries, along with business model innovation and digital business models. After completing this module you will know:
- How to explain the digital transformation approach and give examples of digital disruption from various industries.
- How exponential growth can cause disruptions.
- Understand zero marginal costs, the primary digital business models, and how to build a digital business model.
You will learn how to develop a digital strategy using the digital capability framework and maturity models. After completing this module you will know:
- The eight steps to define a digital strategy and how to use digital maturity models to develop a digital strategy.
- The maturity models for the six digital capabilities and how the innovation process can be mapped to the Digital Capability Framework.
- Digital use case examples for different industries and the case study of Schindler.
You will learn the impact of digitisation on small media enterprises, employment, data protection and ethics. After completing this module you will know:
- How to explain the impact of technology on employment.
- How humans and technology can complement one another.
- How to discuss ethical issues and security risks associated with digitisation.
After completing this course you will know how to:
- Assess the impact of current trends, technologies, business models on various industries.
- Develop value-add strategies to use and manage the changes.
- Assess the impact of digital technologies on the internal and inter-company value chain.
- Justify the value contribution of digital strategy.
- Evaluate different models, procedures, methods and tools and apply them flexibly.
- Think through the opportunities and risks of digitisation as an individual and relate your own values to them.
- Appreciate the typical difficulties that arise the development of a digital strategy.
- Develop approaches to solving some of the typical difficulties of developing a digital strategy.
- Create and measure value arising from digital technologies for different industries.
- Start a digital transformation initiative and convince key stakeholders.
COURSE 3: Change Management Deep Dive
In this course, participants will learn to analyse the environment of a change initiative, to develop the vision, goals and strategy for the change and to support the organization in implementing the change. The course pursues the learning objectives and actionable skills described below.
You will learn how to analyse a change need with the client and determine a possible course of action for implementing the change. After completing this module you will know:
- Typical structural, technical and human causes for change (e.g. re-organisation, rationalisation, digitalisation, change in leadership, environmental requirements).
- Critical success factors (KEF) for change processes (e.g. vision and goals, leadership, communication and information flow, quick wins, instruments and tools).
- Typical phases of change processes (e.g. 3-phase model according to K. Lewin, 8-step model according to J.P. Kotter, change model according to V. Satir) and can explain their characteristics and goals.
You will learn how to identify and analyse stakeholders in the change and form a leadership team for the change process. After completing this module you will know:
- Methods and techniques for identifying "hard" factors for change (e.g. SWOT analysis, benchmarking, metrics, process, document, and task analysis; interview, survey).
- Methods and techniques for analysing "soft" factors such as interests, influence, and attitude (e.g. stakeholder analysis, force field analysis, confrontation meetings, open space).
- The characteristics for the composition of a leadership team for change processes (e.g. representativeness, expertise, decision-making competence, reputation).
You will learn how to develop the vision and goals of a change with the leadership team. After completing this module you will know:
- Methods and techniques for collaborative development and visualisation of a vision (e.g. future conference, time travel, future pacing, brain and wish-storming, strategy workshop, mission statement development)
- Methods and techniques for visualising a vision (e.g. visual storytelling, vision board, collages, prototypes).
- Different levels of change goals (e.g. content, attitude, attitude, quality) and models for formulating change goals (e.g. SMART, PURE, CLEAR).
You will learn how to develop and plan target group-oriented communication measures for the entire change process and implement them. After completing this module you will know:
- The elements of a communication concept.
- The importance of communicating the vision, clear objectives and achievements in change processes.
- Techniques and tools for informing stakeholders in a way that is appropriate to the target group (e.g. intranet, newsletter, expos, roadshow, brochures).
You will learn how to recognise obstacles, resistance and conflicts in change processes and take appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate them. After completing this module you will know:
- The difference between the factual and relationship level and can explain its importance for the success of communication processes.
- Typical causes of obstacles in change processes (e.g. established structures and processes, skills, loss of power, lack of acceptance) and can explain suitable measures to overcome them.
- Typical signs of resistance, defensiveness and fear and can explain appropriate behaviours for dealing with them.
You will learn how to makes successes in change processes visible and support the anchoring of change in the culture of the organisation. After completing this module you will know:
- The importance of ceremonies and rituals for the team culture, the feeling of togetherness and appreciation.
- Opportunities and risks of monetary and non-monetary rewards.
- The time horizon necessary to embed cultural change.
After completing this course you will know how to:
- Assess the significance of change and transformation.
- Explain the basics of management of change and critically comment on them.
- Assess the possibilities and limitations of management in change processes.
- Consider the behaviour of managers, and the role of communication and employee participation.
- Discuss organisational perspectives of change, such as organisational learning.
- Explain success factors in change management and how targeted communication .management can be practiced.
- Assess how organisations can be prepared for continuous change.
- Consider which concrete management techniques enable change capability.
COURSE 4: Customer Centricity Management
In this course participants will learn how to adopt customer centricity as a dominant philosophy to enhance customer value and ensure your company's economic success. The course pursues the learning objectives and actionable skills described below.
You will be be introduced to Customer Centricity Management (CCM). After completing this module you will know:
- How to understand the concept and strategy of CCM, and apply CCM principles in practice.
- The psychological, behavioural and economic key performance indicators and the concept of the success chain in CCM.
- The differences between transactional and relationship-oriented marketing and their effects on the business model.
You will learn about CRM Strategy, CRM Objectives, and the CRM Balanced Scorecard. After completing this module you will know:
- How to name the tasks, requirements and characteristics of strategic CRM and classify them into holistic CRM concepts.
- The benefits of CRM maturity models and use them to assess companies.
- Why and how to anchor the CRM topic at a strategic level.
- Payne‘s CRM framework.
- How to align a business model with the customer.
You will learn about Customer Perceived Value Analysis. After completing this module you will know:
- How to explain the concept of customer value from the customer's point of view using the theoretical foundation of the Means End approach.
- How to put customer value into concrete terms using Maslow's pyramid of needs.
- How to put the Means End theory into the context of customer satisfaction and customer experience.
- Different methods for measuring customer value from the customer's perspective and their suitability for different business contexts.
You will learn about Customer Value Assessments. After completing this module you will know:
- How to recognise the importance of customer value analysis for customer relationship management.
- How to differentiate the two perspectives of the term "customer value”.
- How to distinguish between the different methods for analysing customer value from a company's point of view.
- How to perform a simple customer lifetime value analysis.
- How today's customer values, future (also monetary) customer potential and customer loyalty evaluations are connected.
You will learn about Big Data, Data Lakes, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Analytics. After completing this module you will know:
- The levels of customer analytics (descriptive, predictive and prescriptive).
- The process of customer segmentation.
- The meaning, origin and characteristics of Big Data.
- The differences between structured and unstructured customer data.
- The possibilities (database and data lakes) and limitations of storing and processing customer data.
- How to differentiate between the terms AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- The different types of AI and understand the terms NLP and neural networks.
- How to use AI to make new personalised customer offers, improve customer service (bots, language assistants, identification and automation).
- How to understand the identification of customers as the first step to a successful CCM.
- The importance of a data collection plan for customer relationship management.
- The "give to get" principle of modern CCM.
You will learn about Customer Experience Management. After completing this module you will know:
- The importance of comprehensive customer experience management and understand the impact of CCM on growth and profitability.
- How to meaningfully define the term customer experience management and understand the role of emotions in the concept.
- How to apply the concept of the customer experience chain and be familiar with examples.
- How individual experiences have both functional and emotional stimuli.
- The typical customer journeys in different industries.
- Concepts for measuring the customer journey.
You will learn about Touchpoint Management. After completing this module you will know:
- What a touchpoint is and how the customer experience chain and touchpoints are put together to form the customer journey.
- How to use the IMPACT principle for strategic selection of customer touchpoints.
- The most important design elements of communities.
- The challenges for the design of the customer journey.
- Guidelines for the design of the customer journey.
- A systematic process for the design of consistently positive customer journeys.
You will learn about CCM in Marketing, Campaign Management, Individualisation. After completing this module you will know:
- The business processes in CCM, marketing, sales and service.
- The reciprocity of inbound and outbound communication episodes in the customer relationship.
- How to apply the "closed-loop principle" of CCM to processes in sales and marketing.
- The importance and the different stages of an individualised campaign process.
- How to set up a simple model for campaign management.
- How modern technologies contribute to the individualisation of campaigns and products.
- The possibilities that automation offers in marketing.
After completing this course you will know how to:
- Understand the strategic aspect of Customer Centricity Management.
- Manage CRM Strategy, CRM Objectives, and CRM Balanced Scorecard.
- Manage Customer Perceived Value Analysis.
- Manage Customer Value Assessments.
- Understand Big Data, Data Lakes, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Analytics.
- Undertake Customer Experience Management.
- UndertakeTouchpoint Management.
- Understand CCM in Marketing, Campaign Management and Individualisation.
Black Belt Program Curriculum
Numbers in brackets represent video lesson duration (minutes : seconds)
- Module 3: Lesson 1 (7:16)
- Module 3: Lesson 2 (2:39)
- Module 3: Lesson 3 (9:39)
- Module 3: Lesson 4 (12:56)
- Module 3: Lesson 5 (7:46)
- Module 3: Lesson 6 (14:10)
- Module 3: Lesson 7 (19:16)
- Module 3: Lesson 8 (5:29)
- Module 3: Lesson 9 (1:20)
- Module 3: Lesson 10 (9:08)
- Recap (7:16)
- Next Steps
- Revision Test
- Practical Exercise
- CCM Maturity Models (14:39)
- CCM Strategic Anchoring within the Business Model (16:41)
- Types of Strategic CCM and CCM Strategies (17:20)
- CCM Objectives, CCM Balanced Scorecard and NPS (15:39)
- Customer Perceived Value Definition (6:05)
- Customer Perceived Value Means End Theory (9:23)
- Customer Perceived Value Measuring Customer Value (16:58)
- Introduction to Customer Value Assessment (12:40)
- Customer Value Assessment Approaches (20:32)
- Revision Test
Transformation Black Belt Certification
After earning a pass in at least three courses you will be awarded your Transformation Black Belt certificate, which will be issued on the blockchain.
Instructor: Professor Dr. Axel Uhl
All courses in the program are delivered online by Professor Dr. Axel Uhl - a leading Professor at universities across Switzerland.
Coupled with his academic experience, he has years of real-world transformation experience inside organisations such as Allianz, KPMG, SAP, Novartis, and Daimler Benz.
He is the author of four transformation books and an extensive number of transformation papers.
Who Takes Our Courses
Our online learning is an affordable and convenient way for managers, leaders, and consultants to upgrade their capabilities. They come from these and hundreds of other companies through the world:
Cosmin Argintar
An impressive source of information with regards to key elements of business transformation. Covering the entire scope and aspects of a successful business transformation. Others should enroll because it will help them understand and manage the holistic business transformation towards success.
Dr. Cara Antoine
"The fact that BTM² is based on extensive academic research and current commercial knowledge, ensures that my own capabilities are up to date, to better manage and lead people through holistic and integrative transformation, from strategy through to business benefit realisation and everything in between."
Jose Moreno
"The course is very practical, you can go at your own pace and you can repeat any chapter or module if you need to. The book is really good and a great companion for the course.
The study cases have been very interesting and you interact directly with the professor and with other peers learning in a very rich manner."
Donald McMichael
I'm proud to be one of the individuals who have completed the Digital Enterprise Transformation course. It provides insight on tools that help you start executing right away. The approach ensures that you not only understand the theory but pull from all your resources to stitch together practical pathways forward.
Phil von Behr
"What I like about the course is Axel and Rob bringing it to life, explaining the methodology and how all the parts of the BTM2 framework work together in a practical context. I would recommend others enroll in this course as it provides a methodology that will be the backbone of your transformation tool kit for the rest of your career."
Aderinola Oloruntoye
The program equipped me with the capability to lead complex business transformation. I recommend others join to understand business transformation from a holistic perspective. The practical case study conversation brings the principles to life and helps learn from the successes and failures of different business transformation initiatives.
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Common Questions
Are there any prerequisites to join the program?
How long does each course take to complete?
This depends on the plan you join with and the study schedule you adopt. Keep in mind that the ability to understand and learn what is taught in the program varies from one person to the next. On average, our high performers (who purchase full access) take 2 to 3 months per course. Some need less time, while others take much longer.
Is this the most comprehensive online portfolio of business transformation education in the world?
If I join with a subscription, do I have to study the course content as per the schedule shown above?
No. The schedule shows when you get access to new course content. When you study it is entirely down to you. You manage when you study, not us.
If I join with one of the monthly subscription plans and I cancel, what happens?
One month after the last payment you made, you will lose access to the program.
How can I make quicker progress than the subscription plan offers?
Make full payment for full access or enroll in 3 individual courses (one at a time).
Is there any supporting material for the courses?
You need to buy your own copy of the BTM2 reference book. We also recommend a second reference book.
How many courses do I need to complete to earn my Green Belt?
Will I get a certificate for each course exam I pass?
Yes. And when you have passed all three exams, you will also receive your Black Belt certificate.
How many courses do I need to complete to earn my Black Belt?
Are the courses recorded or live?
All courses are pre-recorded, which enable you to study at the times that are suitable for you. It's no longer necessary for you to settle for classes that suit the organiser.
Shouldn't I study through a university?
Universities are helpful for young and inexperienced people. Seasoned professionals need a more advanced level of business education. Many university lecturers take our courses to become better equipped teachers.
I've already taken the THRIVE course. Does that count in the Belt Program?
No. THRIVE is based on a set of principles and it provides a very broad and high level understanding of Digital Business Transformation. The Belt Program goes much deeper into key areas of transformation. e.g. In the THRIVE course we cover BTM2 in a single 10 minute lesson. While our BTM2 course is based on over 300 pages of documented transformation methodology and many hours of lessons in which Rob Llewellyn challenges Professor Uhl on many aspects of the transformation and the BTM2 methodology.
What will I need to do to get my certificates?
We have adopted a variety of methods to evaluate the knowledge acquired after taking each course.
- BTM2: You need to pass a 75 minute multiple choice exam of 75 randomly selected questions.
- Change Management Deep Dive: You need to read a case study and answer questions about it in 150 minutes.
- Digital Enterprise Transformation: You need to write a 2,500-word thesis which will be assessed. There is no time limit.
- Customer Centricity Management: You need to read a case study and answer questions about it in 150 minutes.