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Business Transformation Black Belt Program (12 month payment plan)
Black Belt Program Introduction
Welcome From Our CEO
Program Structure
Important Notes
BTM2 | Introduction
Getting Your BTM2 Handbook
BTM2 | Meta Management
Module 1: Lesson 1 (18:16)
Module 1: Lesson 2 (9:14)
Module 1: Lesson 3 (16:30)
Module 1: Lesson 4 (9:28)
Module 1: Lesson 5 (4:26)
Module 1: Lesson 6 (16:51)
Recap (5:28)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Strategy Management
Module 2: Lesson 1 (9:47)
Module 2: Lesson 2 (3:34)
Module 2: Lesson 3 (1:32)
Module 2: Lesson 4 (1:36)
Module 2: Lesson 5 (12:39)
Module 2: Lesson 6 (1:33)
Module 2: Lesson 7 (9:07)
Module 2: Lesson 8 (0:51)
Module 2: Lesson 9 (4:19)
Recap (9:16)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Value Management
Module 3: Lesson 1 (7:16)
Module 3: Lesson 2 (2:39)
Module 3: Lesson 3 (9:39)
Module 3: Lesson 4 (12:56)
Module 3: Lesson 5 (7:46)
Module 3: Lesson 6 (14:10)
Module 3: Lesson 7 (19:16)
Module 3: Lesson 8 (5:29)
Module 3: Lesson 9 (1:20)
Module 3: Lesson 10 (9:08)
Recap (7:16)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Risk Management
Module 4: Lesson 1 (1:02)
Module 4: Lesson 2 (6:26)
Module 4: Lesson 3 (3:39)
Module 4: Lesson 4 (1:57)
Module 4: Lesson 5 (3:08)
Module 4: Lesson 6 (4:48)
Module 4: Lesson 7 (5:34)
Recap (8:01)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Business Process Management
Module 5: Lesson 1 (7:41)
Module 5: Lesson 2 (11:34)
Module 5: Lesson 3 (6:38)
Module 5: Lesson 4 (4:26)
Recap (8:44)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | IT Transformation Management
Module 6: Lesson 1 (4:55)
Module 6: Lesson 2 (2:14)
Module 6: Lesson 3 (3:40)
Module 6: Lesson 4 (2:25)
Module 6: Lesson 5 (2:52)
Module 6: Lesson 6 (3:19)
Recap (6:56)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Organisational Change Management
Module 7: Lesson 1 (1:15)
Module 7: Lesson 2 (8:10)
Module 7: Lesson 3 (0:37)
Module 7: Lesson 4 (1:34)
Module 7: Lesson 5 (10:43)
Module 7: Lesson 6 (3:10)
Module 7: Lesson 7 (1:15)
Module 7: Lesson 8 (3:00)
Recap (10:33)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Competence and Training Management
Module 8: Lesson 1 (2:42)
Module 8: Lesson 2 (1:39)
Module 8: Lesson 3 (3:31)
Recap (4:57)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Program and Project Management
Module 9: Lesson 1 (1:50)
Module 9: Lesson 2 (1:03)
Module 9: Lesson 3 (2:48)
Module 9: Lesson 4 (2:12)
Recap (13:47)
Next Steps
Revision Test
Practical Exercise
BTM2 | Practical Exercise
Transformation Health Check
BTM2 Dashboard (11:23)
BTM2 | Exam and Certification
About Your Exam
Take Your Exam Here
Your Certificate
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Introduction
Your Instructor (3:44)
Purpose and Content
Learning Objectives
Learning Content
About Your Essay Assignment
Recommended Reading
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Megatrends and Enabling Technologies
Module 1: Lesson 1 (11:43)
Module 1: Lesson 2 (7:10)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Essential Digital Technologies
Module 2: Lesson 1 (11:43)
Module 2: Lesson 2 (19:14)
Module 2: Lesson 3 (12:53)
Module 2: Lesson 4 (22:39)
Module 2: Lesson 5 (15:26)
Module 2: Lesson 6 (11:45)
Module 2: Lesson 7 (11:50)
Module 2: Lesson 8 (6:19)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Key Digital Trends
Module 3: Lesson 1 (11:27)
Module 3: Lesson 2 (8:28)
Module 3: Lesson 3 (8:39)
Module 3: Lesson 4 (12:08)
Module 3: Lesson 5 (23:44)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Digital Disruption and Business Models
Module 4: Lesson 1 (13:55)
Module 4: Lesson 2 (10:29)
Module 4: Lesson 3 (8:08)
Module 4: Lesson 4 (10:06)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Developing a Digital Enterprise Strategy
Module 5: Lesson 1 (21:54)
Module 5: Lesson 2 (8:34)
Module 5: Lesson 3 (19:06)
Module 5: Lesson 4 (15:58)
Module 5: Lesson 5 (4:45)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Digital Risks and Challenges
Module 6: Lesson 1 (23:42)
Module 6: Lesson 2 (5:21)
Module 6: Lesson 3 (3:49)
Module 6: Lesson 4 (6:55)
Digital Enterprise Transformation | Exam
Write Your Thesis (10:46)
Submit Your Thesis
Change Management Deep Dive | Introduction
Learning Objectives and Content
Final Exam Process
CMDD | How to analyse a change need with the client and determine a possible course of action for implementing the change.
Module 1: Lesson 1 (24:14)
Module 1: Lesson 2 (25:48)
CMDD | How to identify and analyse stakeholders in the change and form a leadership team for the change process.
Module 2: Lesson 1 (30:22)
Module 2: Lesson 2 (9:26)
CMDD | How to develop the vision and goals of a change with the leadership team.
Module 3: Lesson 1 (10:55)
Module 3: Lesson 2 (8:19)
Module 3: Lesson 3 (3:43)
Module 3: Lesson 4 (20:35)
Module 3: Lesson 5 (6:12)
CMDD | How to develop and plan target group-oriented communication measures for the entire change process and implement them.
Module 4: Lesson 1 (6:21)
Module 4: Lesson 2 (9:54)
CMDD | How to recognise obstacles, resistance and conflicts in change processes and take appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate them.
Module 5: Lesson 1 (8:51)
Module 5: Lesson 2 (12:15)
Module 5: Lesson 3 (24:20)
CMDD | How to makes successes in change processes visible and support the anchoring of change in the culture of the organisation.
Module 6: Lesson 1 (3:11)
Module 6: Lesson 2 (4:39)
Module 6: Lesson 3 (2:54)
Module 6: Lesson 4 (8:54)
Module 6: Lesson 5 (17:07)
CMDD | Final Exam
Exam Preparation
Take Your Exam
Your Black Belt in Business Transformation
Black Belt
Customer Centricity Management | Introduction
How The Course Works
Learning Objectives
Learning Content
Final Exam Process
Customer Centricity Management | Module 1
Introduction (6:50)
CRM Definition and Success Chain (8:16)
CCM Model, CCM Principles and CCM Benefits (12:00)
CCM Process and CCM Main Concepts (12:48)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Module 2
CCM Maturity Models (14:39)
CCM Strategic Anchoring within the Business Model (16:41)
Types of Strategic CCM and CCM Strategies (17:20)
CCM Objectives, CCM Balanced Scorecard and NPS (15:39)
Customer Perceived Value Definition (6:05)
Customer Perceived Value Means End Theory (9:23)
Customer Perceived Value Measuring Customer Value (16:58)
Introduction to Customer Value Assessment (12:40)
Customer Value Assessment Approaches (20:32)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Module 3
Big Data, Data Lakes and Data Warehouses (15:39)
Artificial Intelligence (22:39)
Customer Analytics (17:52)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Module 4
Introduction to Customer Experience Management (22:41)
Touchpoint Management (10:59)
Customer Journeys (11:10)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Module 5
CCM in Marketing: CCM Components and Architecture (14:40)
CCM in Marketing: Individualization Technologies (6:57)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Module 6
CCM in Service: Introduction (11:20)
CCM in Service: Developing a Service Strategy (16:51)
Revision Test
Customer Centricity Management | Final Exam
Exam Preparation
About The Exam
Take Your Exam
Your Certificate
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