About This Artificial Intelligence Course

Digital transformation requires the ability to make innovative use of new technologies to create new value and help achieve strategic business goals.
This course is designed for managers, leaders, and consultants who want to complement their ability to manage and lead transformation with business management-level knowledge of artificial intelligence.

Certification Requirements

To become a certified "Technology Innovation Practitioner" you need to complete this course plus nine others.
You can do that by joining the "Technology Innovation Practitioner Program".
Click the banner below to learn more.

Artificial Intelligence Course Curriculum

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days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  About Artificial Intelligence
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Companies Innovating With Artificial Intelligence
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Artificial Intelligence Functional Use Cases
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Business Model Transformation
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Artificial Intelligence Business Models
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days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Exam & Certificate
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll
  Upgrade and Earn Your Technology Innovation Practitioner Certification
Available in days - you'll be notified by email
days - you'll be notified by email after you enroll

Managers and Leaders From These Organisations Take Our Courses:

Don't limited yourself to learning about just one technology

Innovative digital transformation requires the integration of multiple technologies.